Complete Pokemon Go Silhouette Reference Chart For All 151 Pokemon

Pokemon Go is all about catching Pokemon, all 151 one of them.
The game does give you a rough idea of the types that are likely to crop up around you, but one of the hardest things with Pokemon Go (especially for new players) is working out whether those little grey silhouettes are a rare Pokemon that needs chasing, or some common low-level Pokemon that should be avoided at all costs.
Thankfully, as below, one avid Pokemon Go fan Jadael has taken the time to match up every greyed up silhouette with every Pokemon that’s available to catch.
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Complete Pokedex Silhouette Chart For All 151 Pokemon
Here are all the 151 Pokemon names along with their types. See the full list over at the Pokemon Go IGN Pokedex page.
- Bulbasaur (Type1: Grass, Type2: Poison)
- Ivysaur (Type1: Grass, Type2: Poison)
- Venusaur (Type1: Grass, Type2: Poison)
- Charmander (Type: Fire)
- Charmeleon (Type: Fire)
- Charizard (Type1: Fire, Type2: Flying)
- Squirtle (Type: Water)
- Wartortle (Type: Water)
- Blastoise (Type: Water)
- Caterpie (Type: Bug)
- Metapod (Type: Bug)
- Butterfree (Type1: Bug, Type2: Flying)
- Weedle (Type1: Bug, Type2: Poison)
- Kakuna (Type1: Bug, Type2: Poison)
- Beedrill (Type1: Bug, Type2: Poison)
- Pidgey (Type1: Normal, Type2: Flying)
- Pidgeotto (Type1: Normal, Type2: Flying)
- Pidgeot (Type1: Normal, Type2: Flying)
- Rattata (Type: Normal)
- Raticate (Type: Normal)
- Spearow (Type1: Normal, Type2: Flying)
- Fearow (Type1: Normal, Type2: Flying)
- Ekans (Type: Poison)
- Arbok (Type: Poison)
- Pikachu (Type: Electric)
- Raichu (Type: Electric)
- Sandshrew (Type: Ground)
- Sandslash (Type: Ground)
- Nidoran(f) (Type: Poison)
- Nidorina (Type: Poison)
- Nidoqueen (Type: Poison)
- Nidoran(m) (Type: Poison)
- Nidorino (Type: Poison)
- Nidoking (Type: Poison)
- Clefairy (Type: Fairy)
- Clefable (Type: Fairy)
- Vulpix (Type: Fire)
- Ninetales (Type: Fire)
- Jigglypuff (Type: Normal)
- Wigglytuff (Type1: Normal, Type2: Fairy)
- Zubat (Type1: Poison, Type2: Flying)
- Golbat (Type1: Poison, Type2: Flying)
- Oddish (Type1: Grass, Type2: Poison)
- Gloom (Type1: Grass, Type2: Poison)
- Vileplume (Type1: Grass, Type2: Poison)
- Paras (Type1: Bug, Type2: Grass)
- Parasect (Type1: Bug, Type2: Grass)
- Venonat (Type1: Bug, Type2: Poison)
- Venomoth (Type1: Bug, Type2: Poison)
- Diglett (Type: Ground)
- Dugtrio (Type: Ground)
- Meowth (Type: Normal)
- Persian (Type: Normal)
- Psyduck (Type: Water)
- Golduck (Type: Water)
- Mankey (Type: Fighting)
- Primeape (Type: Fighting)
- Growlithe (Type: Fire)
- Arcanine (Type: Fire)
- Poliwag (Type: Water)
- Poliwhirl (Type: Water)
- Poliwrath (Type1: Water, Type2: Fighting)
- Abra (Type: Psychic)
- Kadabra (Type: Psychic)
- Alakazam (Type: Psychic)
- Machop (Type: Fighting)
- Machoke (Type: Fighting)
- Machamp (Type: Fighting)
- Bellsprout (Type1: Grass, Type2: Poison)
- Weepinbell (Type1: Grass, Type2: Poison)
- Victreebel (Type1: Grass, Type2: Poison)
- Tentacool (Type1: Water, Type2: Poison)
- Tentacruel (Type1: Water, Type2: Poison)
- Geodude (Type1: Rock, Type2: Ground)
- Graveler (Type1: Rock, Type2: Ground)
- Golem (Type1: Rock, Type2: Ground)
- Ponyta (Type: Fire)
- Rapidash (Type: Fire)
- Slowpoke (Type1: Water, Type2: Psychic)
- Slowbro (Type1: Water, Type2: Psychic)
- Magnemite (Type1: Electric, Type2: Steel)
- Magneton (Type1: Electric, Type2: Steel)
- Farfetch’d (Type1: Normal, Type2: Flying)
- Doduo (Type1: Normal, Type2: Flying)
- Dodrio (Type1: Normal, Type2: Flying)
- Seel (Type: Water)
- Dewgong (Type1: Water, Type2: Ice)
- Grimer (Type: Poison)
- Muk (Type: Poison)
- Shellder (Type: Water)
- Cloyster (Type1: Water, Type2: Ice)
- Gastly (Type1: Ghost, Type2: Poison)
- Haunter (Type1: Ghost, Type2: Poison)
- Gengar (Type1: Ghost, Type2: Poison)
- Onix (Type1: Rock, Type2: Ground)
- Drowzee (Type: Psychic)
- Hypno (Type: Psychic)
- Krabby (Type: Water)
- Kingler (Type: Water)
- Voltorb (Type: Electric)
- Electrode (Type: Electric)
- Exeggcute (Type1: Grass, Type2: Psychic)
- Exeggutor (Type1: Grass, Type2: Psychic)
- Cubone (Type: Ground)
- Marowak (Type: Ground)
- Hitmonlee (Type: Fighting)
- Hitmonchan (Type: Fighting)
- Lickitung (Type: Normal)
- Koffing (Type: Poison)
- Weezing (Type: Poison)
- Rhyhorn (Type1: Ground, Type2: Rock)
- Rhydon (Type1: Ground, Type2: Rock)
- Chansey (Type: Normal)
- Tangela (Type: Grass)
- Kangaskhan (Type: Normal)
- Horsea (Type: Water)
- Seadra (Type: Water)
- Goldeen (Type: Water)
- Seaking (Type: Water)
- Staryu (Type: Water)
- Starmie (Type1: Water, Type2: Psychic)
- Mr. Mime (Type1: Psychic, Type2: Fairy)
- Scyther (Type1: Bug, Type2: Flying)
- Jynx (Type1: Ice, Type2: Psychic)
- Electabuzz (Type: Electric)
- Magmar (Type: Fire)
- Pinsir (Type: Bug)
- Tauros (Type: Normal)
- Magikarp (Type: Water)
- Gyarados (Type1: Water, Type2: Flying)
- Lapras (Type1: Water, Type2: Ice)
- Ditto (Type: Normal)
- Eevee (Type: Normal)
- Vaporeon (Type: Water)
- Jolteon (Type: Electric)
- Flareon (Type: Fire)
- Porygon (Type: Normal)
- Omanyte (Type1: Rock, Type2: Water)
- Omastar (Type1: Rock, Type2: Water)
- Kabuto (Type1: Rock, Type2: Water)
- Kabutops (Type1: Rock, Type2: Water)
- Aerodactyl (Type1: Rock, Type2: Flying)
- Snorlax (Type: Normal)
- Articuno (Type1: Ice, Type2: Flying)
- Zapdos (Type1: Electric, Type2: Flying)
- Moltres (Type1: Fire, Type2: Flying)
- Dratini (Type: Dragon)
- Dragonair (Type: Dragon)
- Dragonite (Type1: Dragon, Type2: Flying)
- Mewtwo (Type: Psychic)
- Mew (Type: Psychic)
- Category (173)
- Accommodation & F&B (81)
- Activities of Households (1)
- Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing (1)
- Arts, Entertainment & Recreation (1)
- Construction (1)
- Education (4)
- Financial & Insurance Takaful (3)
- ICT (2)
- Manufacturing (1)
- Other Classification (29)
- Professional & Technical (1)
- Real Estate (5)
- Wholesale & Retail (43)
- Location (162)
- Bachok (1)
- Guar Chempedak (1)
- Jasin (1)
- Klang (1)
- Kuala Lumpur (1)
- Kuching (145)
- Masai (1)
- Masjid Tanah (1)
- Petaling Jaya (2)
- Saratok (1)
- Serian (1)
- Shah Alam (1)
- Sibu (1)
- Skudai (1)
- Sri Kembangan (1)
- Sungai Buloh (1)
- Ulu Tiram (1)
- State (173)
- Bayan Lepas (1)
- Johor (4)
- Kedah (1)
- Kelantan (1)
- Melaka (2)
- Penang (1)
- Perak (1)
- Sarawak (148)
- Selangor (11)
- WP Kuala Lumpur (4)